An intimate insightful biography of Frederick the Great written by two members of the former ruling royal family, Sibylle Princess and Frederick William Prince of Prussia. Deemphasizing the King's political and military achievements while highlighting his personal relationships, interests, moods and even quirks, this book gives us Frederick II as full-blooded, highly sensitive and compassionate person rather than as Olympian monarch. His tortured relationship with his martinet father, the "Soldier King"; his extraordinary devotion to his dogs, his deep feelings for his elder sister Wilhelmine or for Count Rothenburg; his passion for reading and for the ideals of Enlightenment philosophy as guiding forces in government; the seemingly ceaseless tide of grief he had to endureover the rapid succession of deaths of those closest to him; even his less than fastidious table manners in cutting up bits of meat on the tablecloth for his nearby dogs - these and many other facets of a charismatic personality make this a volume that is for history buffs virtually "unputdownable".